Our Story

Our story begins with our founder Philip Kratsios. Philip has always had a

passion for building whether practical or theoretical. He begun as a

craftsman who loved to work on mechanical components. As time went on

he found his passion had expanded to Full-Stack Software Development,

which was his way building as he did practically but now

theoretically through writing different software code.

As Philip learned both sides of the manufacturing industry, from working

with Cloth Composites such as FiberGlass, Kevlar and Carbon FIber to

learning servers and API’s. He wanted a way to create end products which

incorporated both aspects of his passion.

When Philip discovered Mechatronics which incorporated

the hands on experience with the theoretical side of software development,

he was hooked and 3DRM was born.

3DRM is a company that stands by its Durability, Performance, Quality and


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Check out the examples of when you mix Craftsmanship with Robotics below !